An evening of obstacles

A power outage. No wi-fi. No cellular on my phone.

It’s kind of a long story, but I had to borrow Ramesha’s phone even to write this much.

Oh well. Tomorrow’s a new day!

Coast and redwoods

Enjoying time together (while actually NOT working)

Today’s blog post is pretty much a photo dump of today’s activities.

Things started rather inauspiciously when a tree fell and the power went out for several hours. We were already planning to go to the coast, but it turned out that we couldn’t get a decent coffee except by driving to the coast.

We once again totally enjoyed Cafe Aquatica, as well as the incredible views of the coast.

Sea, sky, and Ramesha
The view from Cafe Aquatica

In the afternoon we once again visited Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve, enjoying it just as much as last year, but walking even farther (by accident; we got turned around).

It’s just a spider web…
,,,but sunrays transformed it to astral beauty

Proof it really happened :)
Spiritual Renewal Week concert on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at Ananda Village

In addition to creating challenges in presenting our Spiritual Renewal Week concert, the fire and power outage also affected how it was shared.

Usually concerts during big events are live streamed so that people worldwide can enjoy them, but that couldn’t happen due to being on generator power and other circumstances beyond my limited technical understanding.

The combination of a nearby fire and the power outage also left many Village residents unsure whether the concert was still happening, not to mention those who were considering evacuating.

I was sort of surprised to realize how strange it was to get home afterwards and not be able to pull up the live streamed video. And not to receive comments and voicemails about it.

It really did start to feel a little bit unreal, like I just imagined the whole thing. Turns out the proof is in the video!

About my super big yesterday

Choir warming up before the concert

​​To begin with, we’re in the middle of Spiritual Renewal Week here at Ananda Village, our first big in-person event since 2019! Each day there are morning classes, plus special events most evenings.

Which brings me to yesterday. We started out by singing before the morning class with the Joy Singers, leaving immediately after class to drive to town and grab burrito bowl lunches-to-go on the way to my weekly appointment at the Infusion Center.

For this week’s treatment I received four pre-meds, followed by all three of my chemo drugs: Velcade, Darzalex, and Zometa. I was a little nervous since the concert was that night and this was my first time getting all three medications at once.

The treatment lasted two and a half hours. By then we had learned there was a fire not too far from Ananda Village, so we drove home to prepare for the concert while listening to fire reports and hearing about what areas were under mandatory evacuations (as opposed to just warnings).

We only had about an hour to eat dinner, change clothes, and get over the amphitheater to set up the stage, but we started hearing speculation that the concert should be delayed or cancelled because of the fire. So, we called and talked to the Village community manager, a very calm and wise soul who explained why he felt the concert was a “go”, and we totally agreed. And then the power went out! 

But let me back up and give you some context about our concert…

We usually have a well thought out “theme” for our SRW concerts, but this year was simply about finally singing together once again — in person — as a global community! The choir wasn’t large, but we hadn’t had singers from so many different locations singing together in one place since our 50th anniversary event in 2019!

We had been really looking forward to this concert, but we encountered all kinds of obstacles along the way — my health issues; the ongoing COVID realities (increasing cases, singers testing positive, and others avoiding singing as a precaution); having to relocate the concert from the Temple of Light to the outdoor amphitheater, which was the only way we could have a large choir; musicians having accidents that put them out of commission; you name it!

But all along we felt very strongly that we had to keep moving forward with restoring our music to it’s primary place in the life of our global community. Why? Because Ananda Music is such a tremendous tool for uplifting consciousness, which is so needed in the world right now.

View of the fire from Sunset Ridge

The added confusion and challenge of a fire and power outage just a couple of hours before the start of the concert had us wondering whether there weren’t downward pulling energies trying to block the powerfully positive and joyful expression of our music.

If so, we weren’t going to allow it to happen! I was inwardly resolved that the concert would happen — even if we didn’t have power. I figured that we would simply sing unamplified with however many singers showed up and whoever made it to listen would just have to come right up close to hear us!

But the good news is the amphitheater was on a generator, so we did have power. Plus all the singers made it and the concert went miraculously well.

Oh, and I felt absolutely fine the whole night, with no side effects whatsoever from my big chemo treatment. Miracle on top of miracle!

And that was my super big day.

Snow deadline

Our power is about to go out due to a major winter storm. Soooo…. this is it for tonight!

(The photo is from a couple of days ago, but lots more is on the way!)

Thoughts on music-making paused…

…because a two-day power outage means no WiFi at home, and I didn’t have a chance to write my blog while in our (generator-powered) office.

It’s been a strange day. I wanted to include photos of the smoke-blackened skies, but for some reason I can’t do it from my phone. Oh well.

I’m grateful we’re only dealing with smoke and praying for those affected by the actual fires. 🙏

Still no power

I was able to get yesterday’s post written before leaving work at the end of the day, but no such luck today. This makes the third full day of our power outage. It’s been quite the wake-up call, although it could certainly have been much, much worse!

Feeling ever more grateful for community…

Lights out

We’re without wireless due to the power outage, which means I’m having to write today’s blog post using my phone. Needless to say, it’s going to be a short one!

But that’s okay. I’ve once again been slowly backsliding into later and later bedtimes, so maybe by keeping this short I can turn that around.

Good night!