So much to be grateful for

Sure, there’s still no power, which is inconvenient.

True, we ran into issues changing phone providers, which was annoying.

Yes, it been raining a lot, which can feel a little oppressive.

But on the other hand…

Our heat is propane, so we’re nice and warm. We’ve got a small generator, so fridge and wifi work. We live in spiritual community, surrounded by friends. We love our work, which we get to do together.

And even more basic…

We have a roof over our heads, our roads aren’t flooded, we have plenty to eat, and no fear for our personal safety.

I mean, really…! I am extremely blessed, and I know it.

My word of the year

I definitely kicked off the new year in a new way!

First, by choosing a Word of the Year and, secondly, by participating in an art workshop where we decorated a board with our chosen word. It was a simple but powerful process that made me realize why “art therapy” is a real thing.

So, my word is RECLAIM. And my “helper word” is DESERVE.

I had been mulling over word possibilities for a few days before the day of the workshop, without feeling drawn to any word in particular. Then the word RECLAIM popped into my mind while I was driving to the art studio and, after I shared it with the group, I could feel that it really resonated within me.

So, before I started working on my board, I just sat for a while to tune into what RECLAIM actually meant to me. What was I reclaiming? And how? This is what came to me:

What = My power / How = Own it
What = My body / How = Move it
What = My time / How = Honor it
What = My joy / How = Embrace it
What = My willpower / How = Befriend it
What = My self / How = Accept it

Then it was time to tune into the lettering and how the word would fit on the board. This is what I did at first, by hand…

It didn’t feel right, so I asked Sarah (the Ananda Village artist who was offering the workshop) if there were stencils or something that could help me get the letters right, as I wanted them to fill out the space more. And she immediately pointed out to me the connection between “filling out the space” and my word! I was wanting to RECLAIM my space. Interesting, no?

These are the letters that I then decided to use.

Next, she suggested tuning into the chakras in order to feel the color that best matched the energy of my word. Because my word feels very powerful and strong, I chose yellow, for the third chakra (power, self-control).

And because my “helper word” had to do with the fact that I DESERVE to reclaim all the elements of my self, I found myself gravitating toward royal purple for the letters.

Then an important memory suddenly resurfaced, of a time when I felt reassured by the Universe that I was, indeed, deserving (I wrote about it in this blog post). And I marveled at the power of this process once again.

The end result is that I absolutely LOVE my word and feel it’s already helping me start this year strong.

The Festival of Light come to life

Most weeks since 1999 I’ve listened to the Festival of Light as part of Ananda’s Sunday service.

In the Festival Swami Kriyananda condensed the central message of Ananda into ceremonial form, expressed in way that is moving and inspiring.

Over the years I’ve known a few fellow devotees who don’t enjoy the Festival, finding it boring and repetitive. I’ve always loved it, actually, but today the Festival came alive for me in a way that I would never have anticipated. And now I appreciate it on a deeper level than ever before.

Basically, it was one of those mornings when the to-do list seemed so overwhelming that I was tempted to skip meditation and just start “getting things done!” And although I successfully resisted that temptation, I had a hard time keeping my mind from treating my meditation as a planning session.

But then, it happened! I had a huge “aha” moment of getting it that none of what I ever do or have ever done is by my own power — everything is done through God’s infinite power acting through me.

And these words from the Festival of Light came to my mind:

Hours passed, and night fell. The little bird grew afraid. “How,” it cried, “can I fly in this darkness?” And the night whispered, “Fear not. For lo! peace awaits you in the unknown. Surrender to me, and your strength will be renewed.” And after a time the tiny rebel surrendered, and found the night’s counsel true.

And rain, and sky, and grassy fields all sang: “Behold, your very strength to fly has never been your own. Look to the source of all power, if you would conquer fear and weakness.”

And the bird asked, “Where can I find that source?”

And they answered, “Seek it in the farthest depths of Being, in your own Self.”

And I realized in the core of my being that the only way to truly resolve the issues I struggle with is through looking to the “source of all power” in order to conquer the fears that keep me bound to attitudes and behaviors that don’t serve me.

All in all, it was an emotional but remarkably freeing meditation.

A global chant vigil

The “Aum Guru Chant Vigil” is what I’ve been focusing my energies on the past couple of weeks. It promises to be very uplifting.

But it’s okay if you don’t relate to the word, “Guru”. You can replace that word with whatever deity or entity works for you (“Aum Mother”, “Aum Jesus”, “Aum God”, etc.).

Our hope and intention is to draw on that invisible yet omnipresent power that responds to prayer and to our heart’s call,  send healing vibrations to all beings and the entire planet.

Join us if you can!

A different kind of real

Today I continued broadening my understanding of just what’s possible musically in this time of pandemic. I was particularly inspired to find videos by public school music teachers, sharing how they’re working with their students; they’re doing impressive things!

But I also found some videos and comments that were quite negative in their attitude toward “virtual choir” videos in general. On the one hand, I “get it” that the average person has absolutely no idea what goes into “virtual choir” videos. No, it isn’t a bunch of singers meeting on Zoom and simply singing together! No, it’s not happening “live”, in real time.

It’s labor-intensive and time consuming. And, no, it’s not remotely the same as singing together in the same room, feeling our connection in the present moment!

But I think a lot of these critical-minded singers and choir directors are in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Because, you know what? There’s still a power that happens when you get a group of people singing together. Despite being separated by time and distance there’s a magic that can still happen.

No, it’s not the same as the in-person performing we love and are used to, but it’s real and valid and legitimate. And I’m so grateful for having the possibility to still join together in this way.

My sister shared this video with me today and I was struck by the perfect timing! Because I can feel the connection and power that these singers are conveying through this song. It comes through loud and clear, regardless of being “virtual” and “produced.” I hope you feel as blessed by it as I did.

The Blessing
The Lord bless you and keep you
Make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face toward you
And give you peace

A – men
Amen, Amen
A – men
Amen, Amen

May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children and their children

May His presence go before you
And behind you and beside you
All around you and within you
He is with you he is with you
In the morning in the evening
In your coming and your going
In your weeping and rejoicing
He is for you He is for you

He is for you He is for you
He is for you He is for you
He is for you He is for you
He is for you He is for you

A – men
Amen, Amen
A – men
Amen, Amen