It’s coming…

Of course, the “it” I’m referring to is…Christmas!

Yes, we’re already in meetings for this year’s Christmas Play, and planning for the Christmas Concert isn’t far behind.

After all, it will be October in just a few more days and (as every church musician knows) once we’ve entered the time warp that is October, Christmas is just a couple of weeks away!

Which way to go?

For the past month or so we’ve been trying to plan what started out as a fairly straightforward trip.

I don’t know whether it’s something astrological or what, but lately each passing week has brought a new wrinkle or some other complication.

The dates keep changing. The form keeps changing. The advice keeps changing.

If it gets much more confusing, we might just have to stay home.

Shifting gears

It’s interesting, really, but having the bone marrow tranpslant behind me has been slightly disorienting.

I’m no longer heading to the hospital every day, plus there are less and less precautions to think about (hallelujah!).

However, I’m rapidly adjusting and very much enjoying having both time and energy — especially for planning our trip to Pacific Grove and our return to the Village.