More photos, more memories

At our Ananda Assisi wedding in July of 2004. Our legal wedding was two weeks before at Ananda Palo Alto, but we repeated the Ananda wedding ceremony in Assisi for our Swiss and Italian family and friends.

It’s been such a busy time that I haven’t made a lot of progress on my Swami stories project. However, it’s definitely been percolating in the back of mind.

I find memories surfacing as I sing a particular song or find another photo, and I’m doing my best to make notes so I’ll remember them when I start writing.

In the meantime, I’m seeing the truth that when you focus on something you attract more of it!

Completely out of the blue today, I received an message from a photographer friend saying she had just found a stash of photos from our Assisi wedding back in 2004.

I guess it could be “just a coincidence” (but I don’t think so). 😊

Gathering photos

A good thing about my Swamiji stories project is that it will motivate me to find, organize, and scan the photos that go with the stories.

Stated another way, I’ll have to gather the photos that go with my stories of Swamiji!

Santa Barbara Day 4: Pics and more pics

Coffee on the patio of our Airbnb (our studio is the door on the right)

After morning coffee on the patio and a delicious Mexican lunch, we headed downtown and I indulged my tourist tendencies!

I was a little surprised at how much there was to see and how intriguing I found it all.

I particularly loved the City Hall. In fact, I think the dramatic setting would make handling bureaucracy that much easier.

What we see when we exit our Airbnb
Santa Barbara City Hall
A face at the bottom of a City Hall turret
Entrance to the Hall of Records
The chapel at the Presidio of Santa Barbara
A fountain full of (live) turtles in La Arcada Plaza
Ramesha with Ben Franklin in La Arcada Plaza
Another whimsical sculpture in La Arcada Plaza
Elaborate wood carving on a side entrance of the Santa Barbara Public Library
Beautiful tiled stairway
AMAZING gelato!

A (long) walk down memory lane

Today turned out to be the moment for tackling multiple decades’ worth of accumulated photos. Quite the process!

What enabled me to finally get started on a task that has been haunting me for years, is the organizer thingy that a friend was giving away. To be honest, it was the fact that it was a rainbow of colors that first caught my interest. I really didn’t know exactly how I would make use of it.

But the description on the label said “large photo and craft keeper” and a light bulb went off in my brain.

It took a couple of more weeks before I found the time, but sure enough, having somewhere to put the hundreds of photos during the sorting process made a HUGE difference.

I ended up throwing away a full plastic bag’s worth of blurry landscape shots and people/places I no longer recognize. I even ended up with a bunch of photos that must have been taken by an old boyfriend who I completely lost touch with over twenty years ago; definitely time to let those go!

All in all, an exhausting but extremely productive project.

Photos instead of words

After lots and lots of detail work today, I think I’ll give my brain a rest and share a few photos from this week. 🙂

Jeannie directing the first full choir rehearsal in the Temple of Light (Wisdom classroom, not the Sanctuary, but still…)
Not sure what was so funny!
Spirits were definitely high…
The bass section
Some sopranos
Stickers for choir members’ name tags, to help identify the 150+ singers who’ll be here next week
The beautiful altar cloth storage area
The custom-designed meditation chairs waiting to be moved into the Sanctuary
The spiritual eye was installed today!