Finally, some photos (Palos Verdes & Ananda South Bay)

We took a short walk in the neighborhood and enjoyed this beautiful ocean view.

We had a truly lovely time staying in Palos Verdes with dear friends Padma and Arnab, and their delightful daughter, Ronjini.

The new (to us, anyway) center in Torrance is beautiful; our workshop was well-attended; and a great time was had by all!

We were greeted by a tile lion in front of the center
Ground floor entryway and stairway up to the center
An inviting seating area at the top of the stairs
A beautiful corner
Main altar at Ananda South Bay
Side altar
Post-workshop satsang in the kitchen

Pre-rehearsal sunset

The sky was so amazing tonight!

On the way to choir rehearsal it took discipline not to pull over and simply enjoy it.

(Not to mention get more photos of it!)

Hula hoop fun

Photo by Meerabai

Today saw the sharing of many more photos of yesterday’s Harvest Festival, but this one takes the cake for me.

No idea who this little one is, but the combination of her and the hula hoop is simply too adorable for words!

Well, I tried

I knew exactly what I wanted to share this evening and had it all pretty much done…but then it basically self-destructed (in other words, all the photos decided to disappear).

So, I’m taking it as a sign that I’m supposed to go to bed and try again tomorrow.

Patiently waiting their turn…

…are the many photos from our trip to Europe that I haven’t yet found the time to organize and share!

I was reminded of the fact when I stumbled on this photo of the house where Ramesha was living when I first moved to Switzerland.

We hadn’t been in that neighborhood in maybe ten years, but it sure brought back lots of memories.

Current home-base

The courtyard of Villaggio Turistico Reka

At some point — hopefully in the not-too-far-distant future — I’ll share photos of the various events, places, and experiences that have filled the past three weeks or so.

In the meantime, this is our current home-away-from-home: Villaggio Turistico Reka in Sureggio (Lugano).

We don’t have amazing, expansive views like in Aldesago, but it’s much more conveniently located in relation to Ramesha’s father. And it’s still quite beautiful, just in a different way.

The view from our little patio (there’s a creek down there)
The view once we come up the stairs from our apartment
Our apartment is on the left at the bottom of these stairs
This charming house is adjacent to Villaggio Reka, but seems like a separate world

Riomaggiore: getting there, staying there

The station in Genova where we caught the train to Riomaggiore

First we drove to Genova to leave our car parked at the home of Ramesha’s cousin, Marco.

After some time hanging out with him, his wife (Roberta), and their two daughters, he walked with us to the train station. Two hours later we were in Riomaggiore.

The yellow circle at street level in the photo below shows the front door of our apartment, while the other yellow circle is the window we can open and look out on the ocean, the boats, and all the people (this is an amazing place for people watching!).

I have a bunch more photos, but for some reason (I suspect it’s the continuation of Mercury retrograde) I’ve only been able to get these two to upload to my blog. 🤔

Where we’re staying in Riomaggiore

First day in Italia

We’re here in Riomaggiore and I’m trying to share some photos but it’s not working for some reason. So here’s one from Pixabay instead.

Mine will have to wait until tomorrow.

Progress is being made

Free Presentation Statistic vector and picture

It took some doing, but I finally located the stash of photos that will accompany my Swami stories. YAY!

I’m also making progress in terms of developing my voice: Ramesha and I have found a mutually agreeable time for him to work with me on a regular basis. Double YAY!!

And…our music team is getting back in the flow of meeting and planning. Triple YAY!!!

Getting ready — again!

Free Fantasy Dandelion photo and picture

I just discovered a blog post from December 2021 in which I outlined my strategy for gathering stories about Swamiji and finally getting them written down. I made a chronological list and was excited to start looking for photos.

But then life took over, as usual.

No matter! I’m ready to try again, keeping in mind Swamiji’s quote: “I haven’t succeeded YET.”