A real vacation day

Chiesa dei SS. Fedele e Simone in Vico Morcote

It was just the two of us today, so we took a little excursion on our own to Vico Morcote and Morcote.

These villages are only about thirty minutes from Lugano, but it felt like we were a world away in a magically quiet and peaceful place.

I’ll get my photos organized to share soon. In the meantime, suffice it to say that we both were able to really and truly relax there.

My latest fantasy

Lately I’ve been fantasizing about holing up for (at least) two to four days in a quiet, peaceful spot (near the ocean would be absolutely ideal) and reading books.

That used to be one of my favorite things to do as a child, as a teenager, and as a young adult. In fact, I can recall days when I would do nothing but read. It was very relaxing for me.

Now I sneak it in by reading while I’m doing something else. But it’s not the same. Not at all.

Sunday sunshine

I spent a good portion of this Sunday afternoon basking in the sunshine and the quiet.

It was so peaceful that I decided to take a short video to capture the stillness of the scene.

Only one problem — I was evidently so relaxed that I forgot to switch from photo to video mode! Hopefully some of the peace and quiet will come through the photo.

Feeling more peaceful

Once again making some progress in some positive directions. Lights were out at 11:30 last night — which hadn’t happened in months — and I was up correspondingly early.

So, fingers crossed that this continues (it feels good)!