We’re getting there

We’ve been patiently waiting (we took our Lightbearer vows in January) for our friend, Mantradevi, to figure out how to get Lightbearer robes made. (It’s been a huge challenge but Mantradevi is a real trooper and she’s getting it done!)

She finally found a wonderful seamstress in town and today Ramesha was able to try on his finished robe — whoo hoo!

Mine is next. 🤩

Patiently waiting their turn…

…are the many photos from our trip to Europe that I haven’t yet found the time to organize and share!

I was reminded of the fact when I stumbled on this photo of the house where Ramesha was living when I first moved to Switzerland.

We hadn’t been in that neighborhood in maybe ten years, but it sure brought back lots of memories.

Silenced once again

Yep, in some ways we’re back to the beginning — no live singing or chanting, for Sunday service or anywhere else at Ananda Village, until January 5 at the earliest.

But in other ways, it’s not like the beginning at all. It’s way more frustrating because of all the time and energy and resources expended in between, for seemingly nothing.

Not to mention the sacrifices!

And yes, a part of me thinks I have some nerve whining about not being able to sing. I mean, I think about all those working on the front lines in hospitals and clinics — from doctors and nurses to food service workers and cleaning crews. I think about the people working in grocery stores and gas stations and pharmacies, so that we can be fed and supplied. And I am so, so grateful for them all.

So, yeah, in some ways we’re back to the beginning, but with a lot more understanding and compassion and — yes — patience.

Too slooowww…

Been feeling slightly “off” all day. All I really want to do at this point is go to bed — maybe even early!!

What I don’t have patience for is waiting for our suddenly really slow internet to function. Which means my wedding sari story has to wait yet another day (hope it still feels worth it once I finally get it written)!

Good night!