Only love

Today we celebrate the Mahasamadhi (the conscious exit of an enlightened soul from the body) of my guru, Paramhansa Yogananda.

Thinking about his greatness and the blessing he has been in my life, I reflect on his powerful words:

“Remember this: When I am gone, only love can take my place. Be absorbed night and day in the love of God, and give that love to all.

What a promise. And what an assignment. I have a ways to go to “be absorbed night and day in the love of God,” but still — I try my best to give God’s love to all.

75 years ago today

Swamiji’s meditation room

The below excerpt was posted on Facebook today by a friend. I’ve read it before, of course, but it was especially powerful reading it today — the 75th anniversary of the day Swami Kriyananda took discipleship from Paramhansa Yogananda.

The accompanying photo of Swamiji’s meditation room in his apartment at Crystal Hermitage also touch me deeply.

So, I decided to share both in today’s blog post.

A devotee was marveling at Swamiji’s many accomplishments. “In one lifetime you’ve done the work of ten men!” she said.
“Perhaps you’re right,” Swamiji said quietly. “Nothing I have done is important, however, except to the extent that it has helped people individually to deepen their love for God.
“At the end of this life, the only thing that will matter to me is ‘Have I been a good disciple?’”
— From the final chapter of Swami Kriyananda As We Have Known Him by Asha Nayaswami

Making a comeback

Free photos of Lotus

In order to share what’s making a comeback, I first have to confess that I had been struggling with my sadhana (meditation practices) for some time.

The good news is that things have shifted and I’m thrilled to be back in a regular meditation flow once again.

It’s just as Paramhansa Yogananda said: “The more you meditate, the more you’ll want to meditate. But the less you meditate, the less you’ll want to meditate.”

Gratitude for the guru’s love

Today is the 70th anniversary of when my guru made his conscious exit from the body.

All day long I’ve been thinking about the guru’s love and remembering a beautiful poem that beautifully describes that love.

I was pretty sure that I had shared the poem before, so I searched my blog for it. And guess what I found?!?

Yep, on March 7, 2021 — exactly one year ago today — I wrote about “The Guru’s Love.” Perfect timing, though surely not a surprise.

The importance of environment

A powerful thought for today from Paramhansa Yogananda.

Environment is Stronger than Willpower

“The company you keep is important. If you leave your coat in a room where people are smoking, pretty soon it will smell of smoke. If you leave it outside in the garden, later on, when you bring it indoors, it will carry with it the fragrance of fresh air and flowers.

“Such is the case with the mind. Your garment of thoughts absorbs the vibrations of those with whom you mix. If you mingle with pessimists, in time you will become a pessimist. And if you mingle with cheerful, happy people, you yourself will develop a cheerful, happy nature.

“Environment is stronger than will power. Whether one becomes a saint or a sinner is to a great extent determined by the company he keeps.”

The Guru’s Love


As I was thinking of Paramhansa Yogananda today, the 69th anniversary of his Mahasamadhi, I was reminded of this poem. As far as I could find out, it was written sometime in the 1950’s by “a Western devotee.” I first encountered it when I was very new on the path and the message of it rocked my soul. It still does.

The Guru’s Love
You may come to him for a few seconds then go away

and do whatever you will. 
His love is unchanging.
You may deny him to yourself

and then curse him to any who will listen.
His love is unchanging.
You may become the most despised creatures

and then return to him.
His love is unchanging.
You may become the enemy of God, Himself,

and then return to him.
His love is unchanging.
Go where you will and do what you will,

stay however long you will
and come back to him.
His love is unchanging.
Abuse others, abuse yourself, abuse him

and then come back to him.
His love is unchanging.
He will never criticize you;

he will never minimize you;
he will never desert you
because to him you are everything

and he, himself, is nothing.
He will never deceive you;

he will never ridicule you;
he will never fail you because
to him you are God Nature to be served

and he is your servant.
No matter what befalls;

no matter what you become he awaits you always. 
He knows you; he serves you; he loves you.
His love for you in the changing world is unchanging.
His love, my beloved, is unchanging.

Celebrating a century of spiritual awakening

We spent pretty much all of today on the computer, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Yogananda’s arrival in America together with gurubhais from around the globe. There was so much inspiration that I’m actually feeling pretty exhausted…and all we did was sing two songs for the East Coast event! 😂

But at the same time, I’m grateful beyond belief that Yogananda came to America…for me! Finding my guru and embracing his teachings has transformed and blessed my life. Thank you, Master. 🌹🙏🌹

Only love…

I can’t find words to express how grateful I am for this life and my spiritual path. “Thank you” will have to do. 💖

Spiritual Christmas

Tomorrow is our long (8 hour) Christmas meditation. It’s a beautiful tradition, established by Paramhansa Yogananda to help devotees offset the demands of “social” Christmas with a full day dedicated to deep meditation.

The past few years I’ve felt more anxious than usual going into it. This is partly due to my ongoing challenge with consistency in my meditations, but it’s also because this is such a busy time of year for the music ministry. Come the morning of the long meditation I often feel like I’m suddenly skidding to a total stop after a month of going sixty miles an hour!

I intend to do my best to make it the full eight hours, but I’m also making my peace ahead of time with the possibility that I might fall short.

I think the following will be my motto for the day:
Be still. Go deep. No judgement.