Sucked in by Facebook

Free illustrations of Black hole

Sometimes Facebook will notify me about a “friend’s” birthday, and I realize I can’t even remember the person or how I know them.

So then I’ll go to their profile in order to decide whether it’s time to “unfriend” them.

Unfortunately, today was one of those times when I couldn’t really remember the person, but I did recognize someone on their friends list who I hadn’t seen in years and was curious about what they were up to.

Then, of course, I ran across someone on that person’s friends list…and so on and so forth, until I was completely sucked into the black hole that is Facebook. 🤦‍♀️

Which is why this is all I have time to write about in today’s blog post!

Puzzled and perplexed

I thought I knew what to write today but can’t find the item that originally inspired what I wanted to say.

But since I’ve spent all my available time searching for it, this is all that’s left for me to say!

Time’s up!

This hasn’t happened in a while, but it’s taken me well into the evening to finish some time sensitive projects, leaving me out of time to write a creative blog post.

Oh well.