Task lists & Mind Maps

First of all, I managed to transfer a lot of reminders into an online task list (it feels so great throwing away the little slips of paper!).

Then I researched and selected some possible Mind Map-type templates for capturing and organizing the Big Ideas that have been floating around my brain. Those ideas often feel vague and overwhelming; my hope is to ground them by getting them written down.

I even uploaded a bunch of photos from Dad’s birthday party into the shared photo album!

All in all, I’m feeling cautiously hopeful that I’ve turned a corner…and have returned to a more productive frame of mind and energy flow.

Ecco fatto!

From this…

I’m not entirely fluent in Italian, but I’ve spent enough almost fluent years that some phrases come to me in Italian instead of English. They just feel more right.

“Ecco fatto” is an example. I finally went through my accumulation of notes on random slips of paper and got them organized them into categories, which certainly feels like an accomplishment.

In English I could say, “done!” or “finished!” But “ecco fatto” somehow captures much more completely the utter satisfaction of the moment.

…to this. Ecco fatto!

The magic of this time of year

This is a rather magical time of year for me.

With Halloween still almost a month away it’s much too early to be thinking about Christmas…unless you’re a choir director.

And in that case, you’re probably already feeling just a little bit behind!

In fact, there’s very likely some inner pressure building inside you to get the program for your Christmas concert firmed up so you can distribute sheet music and practice parts to your singers.

Not to mention that plans for the Christmas Play will also be getting off the ground soon, and music for that will need organizing as well.

When I list it out like that it can seem almost anxiety-producing. But the fact is that — as I review songs, research videos, and listen to recordings; as I start singing the beautiful, joyful, heart-opening, and uplifting Christmas songs — I begin to feel that inner glow of Christmas already growing in my heart.

And suddenly the magic is full upon me.

Back in the saddle

Free photos of Saddle

I’m officially back to work, after months on disability.

For me, performing on Sunday service is part of my healing process, but the week-to-week, managerial duties have been in abeyance since before the transplant.

But today I had two meetings, then went through and organized a pile of notes. Not bad for my first day.

It definitely feels good to be back.