A (long) walk down memory lane

Today turned out to be the moment for tackling multiple decades’ worth of accumulated photos. Quite the process!

What enabled me to finally get started on a task that has been haunting me for years, is the organizer thingy that a friend was giving away. To be honest, it was the fact that it was a rainbow of colors that first caught my interest. I really didn’t know exactly how I would make use of it.

But the description on the label said “large photo and craft keeper” and a light bulb went off in my brain.

It took a couple of more weeks before I found the time, but sure enough, having somewhere to put the hundreds of photos during the sorting process made a HUGE difference.

I ended up throwing away a full plastic bag’s worth of blurry landscape shots and people/places I no longer recognize. I even ended up with a bunch of photos that must have been taken by an old boyfriend who I completely lost touch with over twenty years ago; definitely time to let those go!

All in all, an exhausting but extremely productive project.