Officially in remission

I forgot to mention it in my blog post, but yesterday’s appointment was the first time we heard my oncologist clearly and unequivocally state that I’m in remission. She also went on to say that my lab results are “very good”.

I have one maintenance medication that will help me stay in remission, but I know that the love and support of family and friends — combined with my own efforts to keep my energy high and my aura filled with light — is equally important in keeping all dis-ease at bay.

But — gosh! — it sure feels great to be officially in remission!

Hospital déjà vu

Today was the first time since the end of July that I had an appointment with my oncologist here in Nevada City.

From January through July we were at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital literally every week (at least twice a week), so it was rather strange to return after an absence of four full months!

This is also the week that we drive to Sacramento for a follow-up appointment at UC Davis Cancer Center.

Two months without a single doctor’s appointment was actually quite nice. Hopefully I’ll just need occasional follow-ups from here on out.