Remembering a special anniversary

One consequence of these past few days of intense activity was missing a fairly important anniversary. In fact, it was on October 12, 2022 that I had my final doctor’s appointment at UC Davis Medical Center and was declared officially “done” with the hospital part of my stem cell transplant process.

I still had a few (preventative) prescriptions to take. I also had to keep in mind that rebuilding my brand new immune system would take time…as well as the eventual repeat of all my childhood vaccinations.

Now it’s hard to believe all that was going on just over a year ago. It simply doesn’t seem quite real.

But the feelings of intense gratitude remain and are very real indeed. I’m pretty sure they’ll be that way forever!

October 12 update: I’m done!

I’m extremely happy to have very little to report in this update.😄

It’s been two weeks since the AFib incident, with no further episodes. I’ve added back in regular energization, as well as gradually increasing the pace and distance of my morning and evening walks. The opening in my chest where the catheter was is healing well; there’s just a regular Band-Aid on it now and even that will be gone in another couple of days.

Yesterday was my final doctor’s appointment and I’m officially done! I can go for walks without wearing a mask and as of next week I can start eating in restaurants again. The doctors are no longer overly concerned about food restrictions, but I still have to avoid people (or crowds of them at least). 

A week from tomorrow we’ll drive to Pacific Grove to stay in a house near the ocean for five days. A chance to relax and unwind in order to begin the process of integrating this amazingly intense period.

And then we’ll finally be homeward bound — after a full two months away. I can hardly wait. 

Thank you again and again for the love, the prayers, the emails, the notes, the gifts, the voicemails, the insights, and endless support. We couldn’t have done it without you. 💖