Parkmerced: unique San Francisco living

I always lived on the ocean side of San Francisco, in the Richmond, the Sunset, and Parkmerced. All had their beautiful aspects, but Parkmerced was my favorite location by far.

I felt like it was a close as one could get to living in a major city without feeling like you lived in the city.

By J. Ash Bowie

It was wonderful for walking and felt more like a community than the more typical city neighborhoods.

By J. Ash Bowie

I’m convinced that living in Parkmerced helped me maintain my equilibrium as a freelance musician coping with irregular hours while driving to gigs throughout the greater Bay Area.

I hear they’re making big changes there now. Oh well. I’m just grateful it was the calm and serene environment I needed all those years ago.

My latest fantasy

Lately I’ve been fantasizing about holing up for (at least) two to four days in a quiet, peaceful spot (near the ocean would be absolutely ideal) and reading books.

That used to be one of my favorite things to do as a child, as a teenager, and as a young adult. In fact, I can recall days when I would do nothing but read. It was very relaxing for me.

Now I sneak it in by reading while I’m doing something else. But it’s not the same. Not at all.

Pacific Grove – Day 2

The sun came out this morning!
I went down these stairs to get closer to the water and a fuller experience of the ocean
THIS is exactly what I needed! Being on the coast, breathing the ocean air, listening to the surf — it’s truly therapeutic for me.
We were enjoying the view when a sweet young woman (a Pacific Grove local) came up and volunteered to take our photo. She said it was because we looked really cute together!
Ramesha enjoying our delicious dinner and beautiful view
The view from the Beach House restaurant at Lovers Point

Made it

After two months, it felt like we were truly moving out of the Sacramento house!

It was quite a push this morning, but we got it done and had a pleasant and uneventful three-hour drive to Pacific Grove.

We spent our first evening unpacking and settling in. but I’m looking forward to walking to the ocean tomorrow (even though it’s quite foggy, unlike in the photo).

Ocean cravings

Once I get the final clearance from my doctors, we’re exploring the possibility of getting away to the coast for a few days.

Of course, we’ve already been “away” for over a month, but it certainly hasn’t been a vacation!

We’re both feeling the need for quiet time to process, to integrate, and to simply rest. Let’s see what’s trying to happen!

My 3-step ocean experience

The sound of the surf and view of the waves at Carmel Beach.

Step 1 is the moment I first hear the roar of the surf in the distance. My breathing deepens and I feel like I’m coming home, at long last.

Step 2 is my first sight of the ocean. From whatever vantage point it occurs, I have to stop in my tracks and simply drink it in.

Step 3 is sitting back and completely blissing out on the sight, the sound, the feel of being at the ocean. Which I could do — and have often done — for hours on end.

Until I’m here (at pretty much any beach), I forget just how much I miss it…and rely on it. It had been more than two years since last time, so I’m really grateful that Ramesha took the initiative and planned this trip.