
Our little Airbnb is in the “nucleo” (or center) of the old village of Aldesago, located halfway up the side of Monte Brè. There isn’t much information out there about these little villages, but I think the buildings of the nucleo might date back to the 1300 or 1400’s.

The narrow streets aren’t one-way, as those of us accustomed to American roads might expect! When two cars from opposing directions meet, there’s a particular car etiquette that apparently dictates which one pulls over and allows the other to pass.

We’re far enough up the mountain that we would have a view of the lake…if it weren’t for the apartment building across the street. 🙂

As you can see, we look out on a rather uninspiring expanse of concrete, but when I walk out to the edge of the patio area, I can not only see the lake, but — when it’s clear enough — I can see the Monte Rosa massif… a glacier so high and far away that it’s snow-covered all year round.

And just for fun…Ramesha says “hi”!