A real San Francisco treat

After waxing so nostalgic about San Francisco the past couple of days, it’s not so surprising that — after grabbing the frozen blueberries I was in Master’s Market to buy — I made a beeline for an IT’S-IT ice cream sandwich.

My first IT’S-IT experience was probably during an elementary school field trip to San Francisco, now lost in the dim recesses of my memory. But I certainly remember eating them at regular intervals when I lived in the City as an adult, and they continue to mean “SF” to me.

When I decide to write about something in my blog, I often end up learning way more about it than I would have believed possible. Today was no different, so here’s a great article about the history behind the treat.

Honoring my hometown

I just learned that Milpitas turned 70 at the end of January (being incorporated as a city on January 26, 1954).

Although I was born in San Francisco, Milpitas is where I spent my formative years, from the age of four and a half until I moved out more or less on my own at eighteen.

Thinking about it brings back a lot of memories, especially of the beautiful foothills — vibrant green in the rainy season, golden brown in the summer — on the eastern edge of the town.

Feeling a bit nostalgic now. Sigh.

A hit of nostalgia

Carlos Avila Gonzalez/The Chronicle 2022

This afternoon I was skimming an article in the SF Chronicle about iconic San Francisco buildings, of which the Transamerica Pyramid is one of the most recognizable.

I have no particular connection with that building — apart from it being part of the distinctive SF skyline — and downtown was never my favorite part of the City. So, I was a little surprised to be hit by a strong wave of nostalgia as I gazed at the photo.

But on top of that, there was another article about the future of the Cliff House, which WAS one of my absolute most favorite locations in all of San Francisco.

So many beautiful memories…

Michael Macor/The Chronicle