The growing wave

It’s thrilling to see the dynamic “Next Wave” of Ananda gaining in strength and magnetism! Today I briefly participated in the Ananda Assisi and Ananda India events; tomorrow night is Ananda America’s turn!

The Next Wave group on WhatsApp is over 300 people, from all corners of the globe.

The event itself is on a platform called Airmeet, which I think is just about the best thing since sliced bread; yeah, it’s that cool! And it’s giving us soooo many ideas for the music. πŸ˜„

Doing “a Devi”

Perhaps my all-time favorite photo of Jyotish & Devi.

I’m still buzzing from this afternoon’s wonderful satsang in Crystal Hermitage dome, with Jyotish and Devi and thirty or so members of the “Next Wave” (“young” friends of all agesπŸ˜„).

It’s always such a thrill being part of a gathering of such great souls — starting with Jyotish and Devi, of course, but including so many other divine friends who are shining so brightly!

My favorite moment of the satsang came when Devi was making a point about one of the hallmarks of how we “do” things at Ananda, which is to always be on the lookout for where energy wants to flow.

She shared how she was enjoying lunch in a restaurant with three women friends, but had noticed an older woman seated all alone at a table. When two of her friends went to the restroom Devi felt inspired to “do a Devi” (her words!), so she walked over to this woman’s table, sat down, and started a conversation with her.

I’m sure that woman is still feeling the joy of the experience hours later! Devi conveyed the story in such a humble and down-to-earth manner that one could (mistakenly) think it was no big deal. But I immediately found myself thinking of how beautifully she’s embodying one of Swami Kriyananda’s most endearing qualities — the ability and the commitment to see everyone as a friend, reaching out to them in divine love.

I’m sure Swamiji was very pleased. πŸ™