New beginnings

Free Grow Leaves photo and picture

We’re finally “post-pandemic” enough to bring our full choir back online.

This is excellent news (yay!).

However, I feel like we’re poised on somewhat of a precipice, because there are things that have changed as a result of all that we’ve gone through in the past three years, and what we’re proposing doesn’t match exactly how things used to be.

I’ve never been in quite this position before. So, I’m just doing my best to tune in to “what’s trying to happen” and trust my intuition.

But, to be honest, it’s a little bit scary.

New beginnings

I’ve been rather distracted preparing for a new initiative in my life.

It feels a little strange because — even though it’s fully occupying my mind right now — I’m not feeling to share about it.


My prayer for tonight

May we all be United in the intention of Peace and Healing for the benefit of all beings. Namaste.

Molly Mele

I’m so grateful Biden and Harris won and I’m feeling the joy of hopeful new beginnings. In the next few days I hope to share some thoughts about compassion and empathy; about being magnanimous and gracious in victory; and about not falling into the trap of “othering”.

But for tonight, I’m content with this prayer.