Establishing order

Didn’t really plan on it, but ended up emptying all my boxes of files and putting them away into file cabinets.

There’s plenty of sorting and discarding still to do, but at least now there’s more s-p-a-c-e in the music office!

An unexpected but perfect gift

The photo doesn’t do it justice, but I wanted to share it anyway.

I was deeply touched to receive this as a gift today from our artistically creative friend, Surana.

This beautiful treble clef will most definitely find a place of honor in our new music office!

What I did today

Yesterday we moved much of the music office. We mostly focused on desks and making sure computers were set up and working, but other furniture and boxes had to be moved as well.

Of course, there was the usual messy debris left over, plus one last pile of items to be sorted (home, office, trash).

Which is what I did today! Now the old music office is looking quite empty (except for a few odd bits of furniture awaiting a new home) and really clean, while I’m feeling very tired!

First chaos, then order

Reminding myself of this truth as we prepare to move the music office in the next couple of days!

It’s a little hard to work in the midst of increasing chaos, but there’s really no way around it.

Soooo…I’m doing my best to embrace the process.

A successful & productive retreat!

Ramesha, Bhagavati, Pavani, Jeannie at the end of our music retreat.

Ramesha summarized our retreat so well, I’m going to copy his words here!

“Today we had a very productive music retreat at Crystal Hermitage.

It helped us clarify our next steps for the music ministry, both here at Ananda Village and worldwide.

We met in Swamiji’s apartment and we could feel his guidance throughout the meeting.

Thank you, Swamiji! 🙏

In fact, the retreat was so successful and productive that Pavani, Jeannie, and I ended up doing a major feng shui rearrangement of the music office! We completely freed up the wealth corner and spiffed up the wisdom corner as well.

It was quite a day!

Jeannie working in the spiffed up wisdom corner.
Pavani relaxing in the newly sattvic wealth corner.