Ready to sing again

We left for Europe in mid-December immediately after our Ananda Village Christmas concert, then spent two weeks with family in Lugano and one week visiting Ananda Assisi.

Add another ten days or so of laying low in order to recover from pneumonia, and it feels like a really long time since I’ve done anything musical!

Which I think is why I’ve been feeling rather out of sorts and kind of rudderless.

But the good news is that I’m singing for Sunday service tomorrow and will hopefully continue on a regular basis going forward.

Stocking up on spirituality

If you’re interested in spiritual books and/or music, now is a great time to indulge your curiosity.


Because Crystal Clarity Publishers is having its biggest sale of the year until Monday, December 2 (that’s tomorrow!) at midnight PST.

You can use discount code: friday35 for a 35% discount on your entire order.

Of course, one of the items available at this discount is the Ananda Joy Singers new album — The Christmas Mystery. Just sayin’! 😉

Hildegard and her music

As usual, a little delving into a topic led to a lot more delving.

One of the many things Hildegard of Bingen is known for is her music. While exploring these videos I was reminded that back in the late 90’s I had a CD of her compositions.

Funny how I had completely forgotten about it until now. Of course, I had to delve even deeper to find it, only to discover it was Hildegard’s music but adapted to a sort of pop/New Age sensibility, with electronic instruments and drums, etc. I must have liked it back in the day, but it doesn’t do anything for the current me.

I appreciate how the St. Stanislav Girls’ Choir (above) brings such calm purity to this heavenly music. Below is another gorgeous example. And if you want to read more about Hildegard as a composer and the part music played in how she expressed her spiritual experience, check out this article.

Celebrating St Hildegard of Bingen

“Hildegard of Bingen” by artist, Sue Kouma Johnson, in Hildegard’s style.
Happy Feast Day of St Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179)

I wanted to post a quote in honor of St Hildegard‘s feast day, but there were too many wonderful quotes to choose from!

I finally narrowed it down to only three.

From Portraits of Saints

Hildegard was an amazing woman. I read a novel a few months ago that is based on her life; it was very interesting and even inspiring in spots. I enjoyed it very much.
Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen by Mary Sharratt

Feeling pushed and pulled

Today I felt like Swamiji was sort of pushing and pulling me to understand that he’s serious about moving the music in some big new directions.

And that means NOW, not at some vague time in the future!

The timing is perfect, as we have a music team retreat scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

I’m eager to see what’s trying to happen.

Delightful lunch satsang

What a joy it was having lunch with Chika, who serves on the staff of Ananda New Delhi and just completed the month-long Living Discipleship program at the Meditation Retreat.

Originally from Japan, Chika is one of our key music people in India. I’m so glad we had a chance to get to know her better and exchange thoughts and ideas about the music, before she returns to the other side of the world on Saturday!

Being the music

As part of her comments during this afternoon’s Gratitude Tea, Devi expressed her appreciation for the Joy Singers (who sang at the beginning of the event) by observing that we “are the music.”

I’ve been reflecting on that and, while I believe it is true, I think it doesn’t go far enough. In truth, we all “are — or can be — the music.”

All of creation is vibration. Therefore, everything in creation vibrates — including every single one of us — just not all at the same frequency.

We are blessed at Ananda to have a wealth of music that vibrates at an extremely high frequency. Members of Ananda have been singing and attuning to this high frequency music for over fifty years, which allows us to vibrate at that same high frequency in everything we do and wherever we are in the world.

When people (delivery or repair persons, etc.) visit an Ananda community, they often ask “what is this place?” They can feel the deep harmony that comes as a result of that consistently high vibrational frequency.

It’s subtle stuff that I struggle to put into words. But I’ve personally experienced the reality of this so many times that I know the truth of it in every fiber of my being.

The great conductor

This quote by Swami Kriyananda is new to me. I love it, but can’t help wondering how I managed to miss it for so long!

This world is like a symphony;
God is the great conductor
who alone can bring music
out of everything.

~Swami Kriyananda

Getting back to normal

What a joy to be back in the Temple of Light and attending Sunday service for the first time since April 14 (and what a relief to make it the whole time without a coughing fit)!

It was also a joy to eat lunch in the company of dear friends afterwards.

Our beautiful temple, filled with fellow devotees. Uplifting music; deep silence during the meditation; and an inspiring talk by Ananta.

I felt nourished and replenished by all of it.

An evening of Swiss bliss

Enjoying a delightful satsang with the Ananda Ticino meditation group.

Ramesha and I are truly grateful for the blessing of spending time with family and friends here in beautiful Lugano. At the same time, having lived in spiritual community for so many years, after a few weeks we find ourselves missing satsang with fellow devotees.

Last year there just happened to be an Ananda event that we were able to go to. This time we decided to be proactive and arranged to do a music workshop for the Ananda Ticino meditation group that meets regularly in Bellinzona.

What a joy it was!

First of all, we got to talk about music, consciousness, community, spiritual growth, etc. Then we got to simply enjoy singing with everyone. That was followed by time to answer questions and have some interesting discussion. And then we all went out for super delicious pizza.

The absolute best thing, however, was getting to know this new branch of our spiritual family. Even the ones we only met last night feel like longtime, dear friends already.

(P.S. I used the word “bliss” in the title because in Sanskrit the word “Ananda” means “joy” or “bliss!” So, “Swiss bliss” is my way of having fun describing an Ananda meditation group in Switzerland. 🥰)