What my soul was needing

I had no idea what Disney Plus was until I read a review for the new Pixar movie, “Soul,” and learned that Disney Plus was the only way to see it.

After a quick Google search to educate myself, I decided that it would be well worth signing up for the streaming platform just for that one movie alone. Then we got busy and “Soul” slipped off my radar…until tonight.

Which is an example of divine timing, because it was the absolute perfect ending to a challenging week, being literally what my soul needed.

What can I say? It’s not just that it’s all so extremely well done. It’s also that virtually every aspect of the story held a deep resonance for me — from band class and jazz clubs to metaphysics and family relationships — it all rang true.

And when it was over, I felt drained in that special way that happens when a movie really takes you on a journey, and you come back having had an experience that changed you from the inside out.

Please see it.