A fun family lunch

L-R: Me, Brian, Dad, Cathy

I had a very enjoyable lunch with Dad and two of my siblings on Saturday.

I’m not the greatest selfie-taker, but (for once!) I actually like how this turned out.

What I miss

When I lived in Italy and then Switzerland for four years, I could tell it was time for a visit stateside when I started craving Mexican food.

It was virtually impossible to get good Mexican food in Lugano. Likewise Chinese food; there were a few restaurants but they were ridiculously expensive and not nearly as good as what I was used to from twenty-plus years of living in San Francisco.

Well, I’m realizing a similar thing is happening due to this long stay in Sacramento: I woke up this morning to the realization that I haven’t seen a deer in over six weeks, which is unheard of for someone who lives at Ananda Village.

Here in Sacramento we see lots of squirrels and there are even a few wild turkeys in the neighborhood, but nary a deer or coyote or bear in sight.

Who knew that I would miss them?

Update to the update

Day 1 of stem cell collection accomplished!

Ramesha took this photo at the beginning of the process. I was on the machine for five hours. They harvested about a third of the necessary stem cells, so we’ll be returning tomorrow to do it all again.

As has been the case throughout this entire journey, the nurses and attendants are all exceptionally competent and caring. Such a blessing!

Since I’m just sitting in the chair the whole time, it was an opportunity to catch up on a number of emails and text messages…until the nurse suggested that I lay back and nap (reminding me yet again about resting).

My instructions were to go home, take it easy, and eat a good dinner. So, I just ordered Mexican food to be delivered to the house (one of the perks of being in the city!).