Maybe it’s just me

Is it the last gasp of Mercury retrograde or do I simply need a break?

During a meeting this morning the next topic under discussion was “Summer Program” and the first thing I said (just for clarity, you know!) was “This summer, right?”

At which point my colleague just looked at me while I oh-so-slowly caught up to reality, saying with a laugh: “Oh right, we’re already in October!”

Wrong again, but by this point we were laughing too hard to care.

Later in the day I sent an urgent text about a project deadline which had been moved up to “TODAY, Sept 15!” — to which I received a calm reply that the 15th was two days away, on Friday.

At which point I remembered that today was Wednesday and there was no need to panic.

I really kind of wonder if there’s something wonky going on with the time space continuum right now.

Or is it just me?

Mercury is about to go retrograde

This explains so much of what’s going on for me right now.

Complications galore in getting something forwarded on from the States. Not being able to send or receive normal texts (only WhatsApp and Messenger). Feeling kind of slow and heavy and like I don’t really want to go out much.

Mercury going retrograde brings the “re” words to the fore. Basically it’s a good time to re-treat, re-flect, re-new, re-lax, rest…to simply slow down.

Of course, that’s the exact opposite of the plan when we come to Lugano!

So, my goal (as a Mercury-ruled Gemini person) has to be to find a way to balance the need for friends and family social time with allowing time for myself — to be still and to simply BE.

Thank God for intuition!

Ramesha and I followed our intuition today, which turned out to be a very good thing!

My Tuesday appointments to receive a Velcade injection usually last an hour, but on occasion have taken up to an hour and a half. That’s because the medication is mixed up THAT DAY in the pharmacy based on exact weight (and other parameters I don’t even understand) and sometimes the pharmacy at the hospital gets backed up.

This is only an issue because Ramesha has a long-standing lesson to teach at 5:00pm back at Ananda Village — a good 30-40 minutes away (depending on whether we get stuck behind a slow car).

We didn’t realize until late last night that today’s appointment was for 3:00. Ramesha prefers to drive me to every appointment, but after some back and forth, we realized it made more sense for me to drive myself this one time. The potential stress of him running late for his lesson just really wasn’t worth it.

Well, thank goodness we listened to that intuition, because today’s appointment took the longest ever!

Right from the start there was a problem with mismatched account numbers. Then the pharmacy was having problems. Finally the medication arrived — after almost two full hours! — but the account numbers were still messed up.

The poor nurses were beside themselves, as there were three or four of us waiting…and waiting…and waiting…

I was able to get quite a bit of work done on my phone and then I started catching up on articles that I saved weeks (or months) ago but never found time to read.

I also thought about it being Mercury retrograde — which I’ve learned to take seriously, Gemini sun that I am — and just relaxed into the flow. I eventually got my injection and headed for shopping and then home.

As they say: All’s well that ends well. 😊