On being an adult

“I am often mistaken for an adult because of my age.”

This sentence caught my eye today and got me thinking about “adulting” and wondering when “adult” shifted from being a noun to a verb (according to Google the use of “adulting” took off in the late 2000’s).

It also reminded me of how I often don’t feel completely grown up. Which, considering how many decades of living I’ve done, seems a little silly.

But really, it makes me ponder the possibility that this is one of those “eternal now” things; that I’ll never “get there” because I’m always just “me” — at every age, in every moment, always the same inside despite the way the outside changes so dramatically over the years and decades.

Regardless, I definitely have days when I can relate 100% to these hilarious “adulting” memes.

Meaningful or meaningless?

I keep thinking about the Grumpy Cat phenomenon.

I sort of get it why and how this kitty became popular. I’m sure many people were charmed by her sweet yet disgruntled expression and found the snarky quotations of the memes entertaining as well. I couldn’t help laughing at them, myself!

And I think it’s great that the cat’s owner saw what was happening and seized the opportunity to create a fun and lucrative business out of her cat’s popularity.

But, I mean…! Even if you’re already in attendance at SXSW, why would you spend three hours in line waiting to have your picture taken with…a cat?!?

Now, it’s not like I think we should only do “meaningful” (i.e. “serious”) things. Heck, I like to laugh; I love musical comedies; and I probably spend more time than I should reading light and entertaining novels. But there’s no way I’m going to put out significant time, energy, and/or money to go somewhere in order to do something that’s essentially meaningless.

I find myself yet again giving fervent thanks for a life that’s filled to overflowing with beauty, with love, and with meaningful work and relationships…right where I am, every single day.