This tickled my funny bone

We had an extremely productive meeting at Dharmadevi and Narayan’s home this morning.

First we greeted Kali (their little black dog); met the three goats; caught a glimpse of some of the chickens; and viewed the barn and farmyard area (the cow chose not to make an appearance).

Then we brainstormed a whole new level of collaboration between Crystal Clarity Publishers and the Ananda Music Ministry. It feels like we’re shifting into a glorious new age for the music and books of Ananda!

But the funniest moment for me came when I noticed something strange in the bedroom… 😂

All talked out

We started the day enjoying cinnamon rolls and coffee while catching up with fellow singers, who recently returned from travels overseas. We talked and talked and talked…

That was followed by a family Zoom call to connect with my brother and his wife in Sunnyvale. More talking, talking, talking.

A quick bite of lunch, then one final meeting to discuss upcoming choir events and catch up with another friend. No surprise that I’m completely talked out.


Running to a meeting and wanted to at least share a beautiful image.

Have you ever seen such an iridescently beautiful beetle?!?

The day that got away

Where did this day go, I wonder?!?


Music meeting; emails; radiation appointment; lunch; a couple of errands; water the garden; sit on the patio; do the dishes; eat dinner; watch a show; wash more dishes; evening affirmations and gratitude time; a few more emails…

Ah, that’s where the day went!

A surprisingly productive day

I didn’t sleep quite as much as I would have liked, due to needing to do lots of prep for today.

However, I still managed to attend an early morning Zoom meeting, then head straight into presenting our monthly music satsang for the Ananda Virtual Community.

Afterward there were follow-up tasks for the satsang, after which time was spent unexpectedly connecting with other music team members.

Then I got in the flow of writing long overdue emails and next thing I know it’s the end of the day. Go figure!

So no, I didn’t cut firewood, but the photo reflects how I feel about my day. 💪