San Francisco to Lugano: we made it!

A beautiful day for a beautiful view of our San Francisco departure

We drove to Palo Alto; flew from San Francisco; switched planes in Munich; landed in Milan; were picked up by Ramesha’s sister and his Dad; had lunch in Canobbio (the village near Lugano where he grew up); and finally arrived at our little apartment in Aldesago around 4:00pm Switzerland time.

Even through a car window on an overcast day our approach to Lugano is stunningly beautiful.

We slept very little on the plane, so the goal was to stay completely awake until at least 8:30pm so that we would be more likely to sleep through the night.

It’s now 9:30pm, so as soon as I finish this it’s lights out for me.

5 steps forward, 3 steps back

Last night I was actually in bed and lights out before 11:15. Yes!

Tonight I’m trying to finish up some studying for a special project, it’s already 11:00, and I’m nowhere near getting ready for bed. Sigh.

It’s all directional, it’s all directional, it’s all directional, it’s all directional…

Feeling more peaceful

Once again making some progress in some positive directions. Lights were out at 11:30 last night — which hadn’t happened in months — and I was up correspondingly early.

So, fingers crossed that this continues (it feels good)!

Short and sweet

There are three reasons for keeping tonight’s post short and sweet.

#1. The simple song I was originally inspired to share morphed into something quite a bit more and I don’t want to stay up late in order to do it justice.

#2. Part of the reason for this decision is that I was in bed with my light out by 12:30 last night (whoo hoo!) and I’m aiming for lights out by midnight tonight.

Ha! I just realized that #3 is deserving of its own separate post, so I’ll just leave it at that for now. Good night!