It’s AUM (Om) Guru Chant Vigil time!

The idea for a chant vigil first came up in 2021. Still in the midst of the pandemic, we at Ananda were seeking ways to maintain and strengthen our sense of unity.

There were also wildfires nearby and traumatic things happening throughout the world, prompting a renewed commitment to focus on prayer while staying centered in awareness of God as our true reality.

Now here we are in 2024 and it’s our 4th annual 24-hour AUM (Om) Guru Chant Vigil!

It thrills me to know we’re spreading uplifted vibrations of light, love, and joy throughout the world (Lord knows this world needs it!). 🙏

Vote and also let your light shine

It’s been so busy this past week that I almost missed voting today.

I finally filled out my mail-in ballot and dropped it off at the voting center in North San Juan right before our 6:30 pm rehearsal. That’s definitely cutting it close!

The concerning thing is that I had a moment late in the afternoon when it seemed useless to vote, and I was tempted not to make the ten-minute drive to drop off my ballot. It made me realize that I was being affected by the negativity and cynicism that is so prevalent in our world right now. This got my attention!

It also renewed my commitment to vote and made me determined to pull back even more from reading the news. Doing so pulls down my energy and makes it that much harder to be a positive force for good in the world.

Then, with perfect timing, a friend shared this quote from her guru, Amma:

Don’t be discouraged by your inability to dispel all the darkness in this world; just light your one candle, and let it shine.

It’s 2024!

Blessings galore for a new year filled to overflowing with love, light, laughter, abundance, health, friendship, and JOY!

Christmas blessings

My well of creativity is pretty much depleted after all the holiday events, but I hope you are blessed with the light and love that are the essence of Christmas.

Happy Hanukkah

I usually fall behind on things throughout the month of December, so — sure enough — Hanukkah started two days ago and I’m just now tuning in.

Of course, it’s such a heartbreaking time, with wars happening and Antisemitism on the rise and craziness in Congress…but I want to focus on goodness and love and….LIGHT!

So, Happy Hanukkah and if you feel to, check out Project Menorah as a way to combat Antisemitism.

Light and easy

Here’s to feeling light and easy while enjoying a quiet, laid back evening.

A nice way to end an intense week…especially with a full weekend ahead, which will be followed by another big week.

It’s definitely that time of year!

Officially in remission

I forgot to mention it in my blog post, but yesterday’s appointment was the first time we heard my oncologist clearly and unequivocally state that I’m in remission. She also went on to say that my lab results are “very good”.

I have one maintenance medication that will help me stay in remission, but I know that the love and support of family and friends — combined with my own efforts to keep my energy high and my aura filled with light — is equally important in keeping all dis-ease at bay.

But — gosh! — it sure feels great to be officially in remission!

Seclusion day #3

Free photos of Christmas

How lovely it’s been to be relatively still and inward on the winter solstice.

And a rare blessing it is, as we’re usually up to our eyeballs in Christmas prep during this week. But with the concert behind us and (for once) not being in charge of Christmas Eve music, we were quick to take this opportunity.

I’m so grateful we did, as I’ve enjoyed some deep meditations with important insights.

Bring on the light!

Light at the end of the tunnel

Hard to believe, but it’s been a full six weeks since we left Ananda Village. It hardly seems possible that it’s been that long, while at the same time it feels like an eternity.

We’ve got at least one more week to go before we get the “all clear.” Then we’ll have a week for further recovery, cleaning, and packing, followed by some time on the coast — YES, that’s working out; thank you, God!

And before you know it, this whole experience will be behind us, though I expect to be integrating the lessons learned for a long time to come.

Appreciating Betty White

I was vaguely aware of Betty White, but mostly from back in the days when I watched network television — namely Mary Tyler Moore and then The Golden Girls.

But with her passing I started to tune-in to what an amazing person she was, and tonight we watched the delightful documentary, “Betty White: First Lady of Television.”

I believe she was truly a great soul who brought a lot of light into this world (not to mention laughter!).

It’s on Netflix but only until January 11. Go watch it, quick!