It’s getting to be that time

I guess I’m more attuned than usual to the approach of “letting go” season. I certainly don’t recall noticing so many little hints of red in the midst of mostly green foliage in past years.

I also happen to be gearing up to (hopefully) accomplish some letting go of my own — namely decluttering and releasing things I no longer use, need, or resonate with.

Hopefully, I can learn from the trees.

Letting go

Something has evidently shifted. I spent the entire afternoon sorting through an impressive accumulation of stuff that was stored in our bathroom.

We’ve moved so much (seven or eight times in the past ten years!) that stuff was repeatedly tucked away without having the time (or the bandwidth) to make conscious decisions about what to get rid of and what to keep.

So today, a lot was discarded, quite a bit was set aside be given away, and I reorganized the space to keep those things we actually need.

It felt both freeing and exhausting. Especially in this heat!

I’ve got my eye on a different area of the apartment for tomorrow. Hope to keep the momentum going.