When less is more

I’m feeling pretty good about how little I accomplished today.

True, I did four loads laundry first thing this morning (it was getting kind of urgent!), but otherwise I mostly kicked back and enjoyed being at home.

I had to chuckle at one point when I realized I was feeling kind of proud of doing so little.

I’m making progress.

Looking back, looking ahead

Yep, it’s that time of year again. On Wednesday and Thursday each department of the Sangha Outreach Ministries will present our reports on the year just past and our plans for 2022.

We in the music ministry are doing our best to stick to our newfound mottos of “Less is more” and “Done is better than perfect.”

There are SO many things we want to do with Ananda Music and it’s SO easy to just let our imaginations roam free and to dream big!

But having a to-do list of 100 humongous items isn’t much help when it comes to actually accomplishing specific goals.

We may be slow, but we’re learning! 😊