Learning a LOT

I almost feel like I’m back in school, I’m learning so much these days.

It’s especially interesting because I’ve never had all that much interest in science. In fact, I regularly cut my high school biology class and was not terribly enthusiastic about my one required chemistry course at junior college.

But I just spent a considerable amount of time this evening reading about blood platelets and ways to increase them, in order to stay as healthy as possible through the bone marrow transplant process.

Indeed, Ramesha and I are becoming accustomed to medical terms like apheresis, subcutaneous, spirometer, autologous, and allogeneic. And we’re even beginning to understand them!

Confused in a good way

I’m feeling sort of confused…but in a good way.

In fact, I’m reminded of something I read (or heard) years and years ago along the lines of “it’s good when you feel confused because that means you’re about to learn something new”.

Well, I’m in the process of new learning at this very moment. To tell the truth, it’s so new that — even though I can see the various components moving into place — I can’t yet express how they fit together with any coherency. I can feel it, but I can’t make sense of it yet.

But it’s exciting, because I feel poised on the brink of infinite possibilities and long-awaited, fundamental changes. So basically, I’m feeling both confused and hopeful. 🙂