Remembering this time last year

I’ve been re-reading blog posts from a year ago and can hardly believe it was me who was going through all that last year.

One thing I’m hyper-aware of is being able to once again fully experience autumn.

We were super grateful for our time in Sacramento, but the fall there really can’t compare with Ananda Village. Not to mention how distracted we were!

Now I’m happy to be here for the duration.

This time last year

I’m going back and reading some of my blog posts from a year ago. It’s the only way I can really tune back in to what life was like in the lead up to my stem cell transplant.

We had been in Sacramento for a few days at this point. The tunneled catheter was in my chest and we were preparing to have my stem cells collected the next day.

Hard to believe what a different reality that was compared to now. As I reflect on it, I think a part of me is in a sort of “reactionary” mode — experiencing lots of resistance to discipline, consistency, focus.

Maybe that’s why I’m so into upgrading my garden at the moment. Creating wine barrel planters is a way to channel my energy into something productive, but that’s also a treat.