And suddenly…

…the last day has arrived.

We’re vacating the apartment in the morning because we’ll be heading to the airport tomorrow night for a super-early departure Tuesday.

Monday (our final day) will be spent hanging out at Silvio’s; going to lunch with him, Graziella, and Fulvio; and eating pizzoccheri for dinner with Manu and John-Beni.

Yep, the meals just keep on coming! 😅

Going on and on and on…

It’s been a while since I shared one of John Roedel‘s amazing poems.

Ramesha read this one today and was deeply touched. He thought I might want to put it in tonight’s blog, and he was right.

on my last day
here on Earth
let me be like I
was on my very
first day

let me be

ready for my
great voyage
between worlds

let me be

ready to ride the cosmic
river of the vast unknown

on my last day
here on Earth
let me be like I
was on my very first

let me be

ready to see what
all the fuss is on
the other side of
the womb that I’ve been
hearing so much about

let me be

ready to be bathed in
a light that I could have
never have imagined

let me be

ready to be held in
the arms by my lovely
creator and to feel safer
than I ever have before

on my last day
here on Earth
let me be like I
was on my very first

let me be

ready to see the smiling faces
of all those who have been
eagerly waiting to meet me

let me be

ready to be swaddled up
in the warmest cotton
blanket of fresh starts

on my last day
here on Earth
let me be like
I was on my very first

covered in the
miracle of creation

no wonder newborn
babies cry

no wonder 45-year old
men cry

it’s all such an adventure
it’s all such a journey
it’s all such a circle
it’s all such a flowing river
it’s all such an endless passage

it’s all such a mystery

and it goes on and on and on
and on and on

it all goes on

and we go on and on and on
and on and on

we all go on

oh, divine light
oh, sacred spirit
oh, God

please let me

go on and on and on
and on and on

oh, I can’t wait to see
what comes next

~ john roedel

Finished so soon?!?

I guess I’m getting pretty darn accustomed to my Challenge lifestyle.

I was surprised when Ramesha asked whether the current Challenge was almost over; I figured I had another week or two left. But, in fact, tomorrow is the last day!

I’m not ready to say that it’s easy (especially Tuesday fast days), but it’s definitely getting easier. 😄