Slogging through the day

Yep, this was a slogging through it kind of day, from start to finish.

I resonated with the word, but had to look it up to make sure I was using it right. But, yeah, “to slog” is to walk or plod heavily; to toil. And “a slog” is a long, tiring walk or march; long, laborious work.

Which is how today felt.

It started with me oversleeping, followed by needed but unexpected calls and visits.

Then laundry, laundry, and more laundry.

Emails, organizing, details, and more emails.

Feeling tired throughout but trying not to let the crankiness take over. Sigh.

The good news is I got a lot done. The less-than-good-news is that I didn’t exactly stay centered in my inner peace and joy.

Oh well, all we can do is give it our best from moment to moment.