Homebody bliss

We were only gone a few days, but it somehow seems like it was a long time and far, far away. Maybe because LA is such a different environment, plus the intensity of interacting with so many people.

Whatever the reason, it feels really good to be home.

Falling asleep as I write this

I got to bed way too late last night due to preparations for today’s trip to LA.

We had smooth travels, an uneventful flight, and a lovely dinner and satsang with our hosts. But the day is definitely catching up with me, as I keep nodding off over my laptop.

Good night.

Memories of LA days

We just finished a lovely Next Wave satsang with Jyotish and Devi.

The main topic of discussion was sharing how we’ve all weathered the challenges of these past two difficult years. The stories and insights were all very inspiring.

At some point Devi brought up the time a team of us spent in LA with Swamiji, and how he gave so much energy to the music there.

It reminded me of what a special time that was, despite a myriad of challenges and difficulties. And doesn’t that pretty much describe life itself?!?

Anyways, thinking about LA days made me want to share this photo. I have no idea what Ramesha was whispering in my ear, but I’m thankful somebody snapped the photo with Swamiji’s blessings in the background!