Bellinzona kitty

Today was a really good and eventful day. But I’m so tired that all I can do is share this cute kitty with you all.

Good night!

An anything goes kind of night

In fact, there’s no rhyme or reason for this photo, except that it caught my eye.

Something about how focused and alert the kitty is.

Anyway, it’s late. Good night!

Thoughtful kitty

Words aren’t coming tonight, but this photo beautifully captures the essence of how I’m feeling.

Reflective and a little ambiguous.

Not much oomph left

This was a very productive day, with the accomplishment of several fun but fairly big projects.

Plus a trip to Trader Joe’s and an evening walk.

So not much oomph left to put into tonight’s blog post.

A photo of this sweet kitty will have to do.

Awaiting developments

I was coming up blank on what to write about this evening, so I thought I might settle for a beautiful photo.

Then I happened upon this kitty and realized I could totally relate to her look of anticipation, whether eager or apprehensive or a little of both.

2022 is off to that kind of a start for me. I’m equal parts eager and apprehensive to see what develops as the year unfolds.