Ananda Kailash

Yes, I know I’ve missed my deadline but tonight I have a pretty darn good excuse: Jyotish and Devi gave a satsang about their time in Italy and India, and especially about the amazing project that is developing in Delhi.

I won’t go into details (since I’m on “borrowed time” here), but what I told Devi at the end of the satsang perfectly conveys how I felt (and still feel!): “Mind officially blown!”

This is huge, wonderful stuff; my spiritual family is doing it; and I can hardly believe I’m a part of it all!

Jyotish and Devi are home!

Jyotish and Devi, spiritual directors of Ananda Worldwide

Jyotish and Devi have been gone since August, traveling for close to four months in Italy and throughout India. Tomorrow they give Sunday service and I can already feel the joy level at Ananda Village rising in anticipation…. well, at least it is for me. 😊

It feels perfect that they’re back just in time for Thanksgiving, because I am so very, very grateful for both of them.

Thank you, Jyotish and Devi, for all you’ve done and for all you’re still doing in service to God and Gurus, as well as for your Ananda family throughout the world. I’m so honored to know you and to call you my friends.

Like old times

People relaxing in Crystal Hermitage lower gardens in celebration of Jyotish's birthday.

We celebrated Jyotish’s birthday in the lower gardens of Crystal Hermitage this afternoon. Choir sang a couple of songs; Anandi led blessings for Jyotish and then for Jyotish and Devi together (they leave Wednesday for Italy, then India); cake was served. Then (I can’t think of a better way to say this) Jyotish and Devi gave darshan.

This is one of the definitions I found when I went to double-check the meaning of “darshan”: an opportunity or occasion of seeing a holy person.

It felt very familiar to be in the astral beauty of Crystal Hermitage gardens; surrounded by great souls who happen to be dear friends and spiritual family; observing Jyotish and Devi as they interacted with person after person, radiating boundless love and deep wisdom. It brought back memories of birthday parties for Swamiji and I found myself thinking that it felt sort of like “old times”.

Thank you, Jyotish and Devi, for all you do to further the growth and expansion of Ananda, and for being our divine friends.


Sangha is a Sanskrit word that means “association,” “assembly,” “company” or “community.”

One of the best parts of my job is attending once or twice a month “Sangha” meetings. Usually led by Jyotish and Devi, spiritual directors of Ananda Sangha Worldwide, these are basically large staff meetings — Ananda-style. 🙂

First we meditate together for an hour, followed by time for each department to share what’s going on in their world. Ananda Village is headquarters for all the global outreach ministries, so it’s very, very inspiring to hear all the ways that Ananda is reaching spiritual seekers with a wealth of support and resources.

But what I love most about these meetings is being part of the Sangha — looking around a room filled with people who have dedicated their lives to God and are making a very real difference in the world. What a blessing and a privilege it is to be “in association” with such great souls!