Life after jet lag

At the moment “life after jet lag” feels like a slightly desperate affirmation.

I don’t know if it’s my faulty memory or if it really is hitting me harder this year. Either way, right now the jet lag is winning.

I sure hope tomorrow is the turning point.

Jet lag limbo

Halfway through our longish layover in Istanbul.

It’s been a lot of hours since we left San Francisco, plus we’re now in a time zone ten hours ahead.

In fact, it’s already Wednesday afternoon here, so I’m taking a few minutes to write “today’s” blog post.

First time in Turkey and I’m very much enjoying the people watching!

Planning ahead

Well, it’s almost time to board our flight. We’re flying Turkish Air to Istanbul and from there to Milano.

I got a bunch of my Italiano Automatico recordings transferred from laptop to phone so I can spend time on the plane making the mental shift to Italian (finally!).

Now I’m posting today’s blog, before heading into the twilight zone of jet lag. ✈️


The combination of travel days, jet lag/sleep issues, and dinners with family has done its usual number on my efforts to get to bed early. So tonight’s blog is severely truncated as a corrective!

Good night.

Almost normal

I don’t know if it’s this way for anyone else, but during my first days of an international trip almost all of my attention is on the state of my…jet lag!

What time is it “at home”?
How tired am I right now?
Am I going to be able to sleep?
Oooh, I feel like a nap, but I’d better not… etcetera.

So it’s the end of my second full day and I’m mostly feeling pretty good; one more and I expect to be all the way back to normal. At this very moment, however, I can hardly keep my eyes open. So good night.