Service is joy

The “oregano bee” at Ananda Farm on Rajarsi Day

Today was our annual community-wide workday, honoring Rajarsi Janakananda (James Lynn), Yogananda’s most advanced disciple.

It had been a full and very intense week, and I was moving very slow this morning. I missed the opening circle and found myself wondering if I would make it at all.

But I’ve learned the lesson enough times by now that I knew I had to just get there. And sure enough — I got to enjoy the company of dear friends while doing something useful, amidst lots of joy and laughter.

Our project was to separate oregano leaves from the stems so they could be dried and made into Italian seasoning. There was whole group of us, having what in another time and place would have been a “quilting bee,” but we were having an “oregano bee.”

It was great fun, leaving me energized, and once again grateful to be living the truth that service is joy!