Puttering around at home

Today was entirely a puttering around, homebody kind of day, in which I never stepped foot outside the house.

I cleaned a bunch of (very) old stuff out of the frig; laundered four loads of clothes; washed lots of dishes; and watered all my indoor plants.

But I also had coffee and a chat with Ramesha; read my book; watched a few video clips; and dozed off for a while.

Now I’m going to watch a movie while I fold four loads of laundry.

It’s days like this when I’m reminded that, although I love people and can be quite the social butterfly (after all, my sun sign is Gemini!), at heart I’m an introvert and need days like this to restore my inner equilibrium.

Someone understands me!

Oh, how I wish I had understood this back in the late 80’s/early 90’s!

One of our housemates also attended our church, where I was very active and outgoing in the music, taking classes, and volunteering.

When I got home, I tended to retreat into my room. But after a while, this roommate started complaining because I was so standoffish and unfriendly. He actually got pretty demanding about how I “should” be spending more time with my housemates, which just made me avoid him even more.

It was extremely uncomfortable.

Much later I realized that he saw me being so friendly and approachable at church and his feelings were hurt that I wasn’t that way at home. And I didn’t know how to explain, because I didn’t fully understand it myself!

I don’t even remember his name, but I hope that wherever he is and whatever he’s doing (and if he even remembers me!), he’ll see this little cartoon and understand that it wasn’t personal.