Service (through cooking) is joy!

Cooking with Nandadevi.

A while ago I signed up to cook dinner for the Village internship program…and then promptly forgot about it. (I have no idea why I didn’t put it on my calendar — duh!)

A couple of days ago I got a reminder about it, and I have to confess that my first thought was, “Oh no! Do I really have time to do this?!?”

Well, tonight was the night, and (as usual) I’m soooo glad I didn’t bail.

Why? Let me count the ways…

  1. My “helper” was Nandadevi, one of my favorite people on the planet. It was lovely chatting with her while cutting veggies; plus Sundara came and helped as well.
  2. Being in the Expanding Light kitchen was great fun, especially since it meant running into people I don’t see in my usual daily flow (like Ana and Darshana) and also getting to visit with ashram residents Matthew and Janaka.
  3. I got to experience anew the truth that “Service is joy!”
  4. And finally, I got to meet a bunch of new interns, a sweet group of souls who’ve come together from all over the country — including Texas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Florida, and various parts of California.

All in all, an extremely satisfying evening.


We had such fun at choir tonight, welcoming an influx of new members!

There are increasing numbers of Village interns coming together as a group to sing — in addition to Ashtara and Arya, we now have Ben, Jake, and Tim (plus Caterina will join when she gets back from Finland).

Prasanna and Vineet from India came tonight as well and will be singing with choir for a while longer.

Then there are experienced choir members who’ve recently relocated to the Village from other Ananda communities: Matthew (from Portland) and Linda (from Sacramento).

A big welcome to you all!