My deepest why for practicing

In the courtyard of the Ananda Palo Alto community, back in the day.

I’ve been receiving an increasing number of out-of-the-blue comments from people hoping to hear me play flute more often.

I’m also getting a lot of encouraging feedback about my recent, more regular practice sessions.

Then — to top it all off — I just “happened” to stumble on an old blog post from August 2019, in which I shared something I wrote way back in the early 2000’s, when I was new to Ananda:

“What I want more than anything is to be able to simply be the vehicle for music to course through. I want to be the pipeline and the music the water. And I want to be a wide-open, pure, smooth, silvery pipeline for the sacred water to flow through, not a rusty, corroded, constricted, obstructed pipeline that blocks the flow.”

I can still remember that the inspiration behind writing those thoughts was to more deeply understand (and communicate to others) WHY we need to practice and improve and aspire toward perfection.

Not to impress or to compete or to gratify our ego. But to be an ever more pure channel (or vehicle) for the Divine Flow and, through our ever-deepening attunement, to eventually merge into oneness with that flow of the Divine.

Full to overflowing

At a certain point I find myself wondering, “Just how much inspiration can a person take in, anyway?!?”

Because come Friday afternoon of SRW I often feel like I can’t absorb even one more insight, one more bit of wise guidance, one more heartwarming story.

But the truth is that — somehow! — there’s always room for more, especially when it’s so filled with joy. 🤸‍♀️

A much-needed pause

I’m always grateful for Thursday evening of SRW.

Saturday was Sevaka retreat. Sunday morning was service, while Sunday evening all the singers, instrumentalists, and dancers came together for our one full rehearsal. Every weekday starts off with music before the morning class. Monday evening was kirtan. Tuesday evening was the concert. Wednesday evening was an inspiring Q&A session with Jyotish and Devi. Thursday afternoon is music and inspiration for donors at the Gratitude Tea.

But tonight…there’s blessed nothing.

Ahhhh…. a chance to catch our breath and clear some mental and psychic space for three more days of inspiration still to come.

The Ananda Music App is launched again!

The previous launch was mostly for Ananda devotees in India, which meant it happened at the rather inconvenient hour of 6:30am Pacific time.

But this launch was for the US audience, and what’s fun is that an entirely different group of music people* shared stories about Swami Kriyananda, the inspiration behind the music, and how it has impacted our lives.

We all had a great time. And now, if you’d like to learn more about the app, click HERE.

* Including Dharmadas, Nirmala, Dambara, Ramesha, and yours truly

Running on fumes

It’s been a while since I’ve been quite this tired…depleted, really.

In fact, by the end of Sunday service I felt like I was running on fumes!

But the nine days in a row of absolutely amazing inspiration makes it all worth it.

A beautiful Kriya

I’m feeling so grateful for tonight’s Kriya ceremony.

The Temple of Light was close to full; the inspiration level was through the roof; and the loving devotion in the room was palpable.

What a blessing.

Inner Renewal Retreat overload

I’m talking some serious overload!

This is pretty much how full I feel — mind, body, and spirit — after receiving four days of Inner Renewal Retreat inspiration (thanks to Jyotish, Devi, and today’s wonderful panel).

And…we now have two days of Kriyaban Retreat ahead of us — phew.

I love my life. 😊

Staying flexible

Remember slinkies?!?

Whether we like it or not, life has a way of keeping us flexible.

Which lately seems to be the whole raison d’être for this ongoing pandemic.

It’s really frustrating, but we’re determined to find an uplifted and joyous way to still share the inspiration of our Christmas music with the world.

Waiting for inspiration

Which doesn’t always arrive on schedule. That’s when I start looking for an inspiring image at least.

This beautiful rose is the one that drew my attention.

Such delicate perfection is — in and of itself — an inspiration!

Joy at the satsang

Despite the recent snow and today’s unsettled weather, Jyotish and Devi decided this morning to go ahead with their scheduled community satsang this evening.

They wanted to make it fun and festive and informal, so we volunteered to sing a couple of Christmas carols.

But because it was so last minute, our soprano couldn’t join us.

Then I forgot to put the words for “Joy to the World” in the binders that I quickly threw together.

So when the time came to sing it was rather — well, rough. Which was no big deal, as it was just “family” and rather spontaneous. But still…

Then Devi read her most recent blog post — beautiful and inspiring — and Jyotish read a story that had come to him in meditation — powerfully inspiring! Then they both added comments and insights that were deeply moving.

And then, Ramesha asked a question about how best to prepare for the upcoming 8-hour Christmas meditation, and as they both answered the inspiration went through the roof.

And I finally understood. The weather was uncertain enough that if we hadn’t volunteered to sing, we might very well have pooped out and stayed home.

In this instance, singing wasn’t the point. Rather it was the means of making sure we were exactly where we were supposed to be tonight.