Time to shine

Print available at Spirit Daughter

When I saw this on Facebook, it stopped me in my tracks. The imagery so perfectly reflects my process of the past couple of years.

In 2022 I was largely turned in on myself as I moved through my cancer journey. 

At the beginning of 2023, I was done with treatments, off disability, and back to work. So, I rather naively assumed all was back to normal. It wasn’t until about half or even two-thirds of the way through 2023 that I finally “got it” that, although progress was being made, I still had a way to go before being fully healed and integrated on all levels once again.

Now, as 2024 gets underway, there’s been a definite inner shift, which I’m experiencing as interesting new thoughts, choices, and behaviors (I’ll share more about this in future blog posts). 

In fact, the above image (which can be purchased as a print) has inspired me to do something I haven’t done in over thirty years — create a little rhyme to affirm my vision for this beautiful new year. Here goes…

In two zero two four, I’ll shine once more! 🌟

Letting it go

I really resonate with this today. In fact, I have three bags for the thrift store in the trunk of my car.

Something shifted over the past week and I seem to have reached an inner limit. It’s suddenly not okay to hang on to items that I haven’t touched in years. I’m tired of the space they take up — both physically and in my psyche.

It’s also meant talking back to my inner critic and resisting self-recrimination. It’s meant forgiving myself for thinking I would use something or wear something…and being wrong.

Three bags is barely a start but hopefully I’ll be able to keep it up, a little bit at a time.

A breakthrough week

I had to wait until the end of the week to share this, because I didn’t want to jinx it!

For a number of years I’ve struggled with consistency in my meditation practices; spending six months focused on fitting cancer treatments into my schedule didn’t help.

But somehow the time had come — there must have been an inner shift of some sort — and this Monday I got up extra early, did my full energization exercises, then went to the Temple of Light to meditate.

Most importantly, I repeated those actions every single day this week, and it feels great.

I know this is my best way to prepare for the upcoming bone marrow transplant, so–

Yay me!