Discovering my high school self

I’m intrigued to realize what a head-in-the-clouds dreamer I was in high school!

The closest thing to practical on this list of goals is the last one: move out after graduation. At least that had some bearing on real life.

Well, I did manage to attend some little bit of the Monterey Jazz Festival (although I don’t remember a single thing about it). And I did go to Europe with a jazz band when I was seventeen.

But the Montreux Jazz Festival (in Geneva, Switzerland)?!? Buy a Porsche (or/and an Austin Healy)?!? Visit the South Pacific?!? Go to the Olympics (mind you, only as a spectator)?!?

I’m pretty sure that at this point in my life I didn’t have a job, and wasn’t even looking for one.

Grounded in life’s practicalities I was not. 🤦‍♀️