Still processing…

My Dad was a computer programmer and systems analyst all the time I was growing up, but I, personally, don’t know the first thing about computers and computing.

That said, this image of a circuit board matches my idea of a computer processing scads of information and provides me with an analogy of what I feel my brain and psyche are busy doing post-Aum Guru chant vigil.

That 24 hours of Aum Guru being chanted around the globe, by so many devotees, had a very significant impact on many people — including me!

And I’ve got to integrate the experience and sort it out in my mind and in my heart before I can put into words what it meant to me.

It’s humbling

I still haven’t gotten completely caught up with all the comments and reciprocal sharing from last week. And I haven’t yet figured out when to schedule the Zoom chat that I’ve promised some friends in order to follow-up on the ideas and feelings that surfaced for us all.

Basically, I continue to be blown away by the impact my sharing has had on people. It’s extremely humbling.