Valentine’s Day reflections

We don’t really go all in on the Valentine’s Day hoopla. When possible we make sure to eat dinner together, ending with some sort of heart-shaped dessert (usually cookies), and that’s about it.

Mainly it’s a day when I find myself thinking a lot about love; most especially how fortunate I am to love, and be loved by, so many wonderful people.

My husband; my family; his family; friends from school (junior high through conservatory); friends who were professional colleagues; spiritual family from around the world; and on and on it goes.

So, what Valentine’s Day means to me is simply LOVE.

Hitting the love jackpot

Tomorrow marks the day — an incredible nineteen years ago! — that Ramesha asked me to marry him.

He was planning to propose on Valentine’s Day, but just couldn’t wait another week.

Today I’m reflecting on what a wonderful husband he is and how very, very fortunate I am to have found him.

I truly did hit the love jackpot!

My husband, my rock

While the nurse was inserting my IV this afternoon I happened to glance over at Ramesha and was overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude for this man. 

Since February he’s driven to (and sat in on) virtually all of my medical appointments. He keeps track of the medical receipts and co-pays. And for a full six months he’s been organizing his teaching and business schedule around my needs.

I truly don’t know how I would have done this without him.

In other news, I’m completely over yesterday’s weird stomach thing. What a relief to have my full energy back once again!

And, we’re all done with the extra pre-op tests, many of which were long and involved, and took a lot of finagling to fit into our schedule. Yay!

A perfect birthday

I thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful couple of days, shared with my wonderful husband; a portion of my family (Dad, sister, one of my brothers, a niece, and a grand-niece!); new friends (Michael and Olivia, the absolutely delightful owners of Bradley House, the bed-and-breakfast where we spent the night); and old friends (Sundara and Nandadevi, returned from two weeks visiting family back East).

Our time was so full with all the driving and meeting and talking and eating, that I haven’t yet had a chance to read the many birthday greetings that arrived throughout the day. I look forward to doing that on the day after my birthday!

The best birthday presents

A beautiful midsummer evening birthday dinner with my sweet husband using our new patio furniture on our spiffed up patio!

The love of family and so very many dear friends.

Sharing my life with a husband who complements me in every way and loves me to distraction.

Living in a little slice of paradise on earth.

Music, music, music.

Seeing the vision for our music ministry expanding by leaps and bounds in amazing new directions.

I am soooooo blessed! 😊