What we need…

….is LIGHT! (clap)

This morning at the beginning of Sunday service we sang a song titled: Yes, It’s Devil Worship. Interesting title for a humorous but very powerful song. 🙂

Several listeners commented on the timeliness of the message, even expressing the opinion that the world needs to hear songs like this right now.

In his book “I’ve Passed My Life as a Stranger, Lord”, Swamiji writes:
In telling us how to overcome our own evil tendencies, he [Yogananda] often said, “Don’t concentrate too much on your faults. That will only reinforce them. A room may be in darkness for thousands of years. Once you bring light into it, however, the darkness will cease to exist.

“Don’t beat at your ignorance with the stick of self-blame. Hold good thoughts, perform good actions, and meditate. If you turn on the inner light, the darkness will vanish forever as though it had never been!”

We’re asking Master and Divine Mother to guide us in sharing this song (and other similar ones) with a wider audience. In the meantime, here are the lyrics to Yes, It’s Devil Worship. Enjoy!

Brother, I’ve a faint suspicion
You and I’ve been led astray:
Taught to drive the devil from us,
We’ve invited him to stay!

What we need is light!
For we can’t drive out the darkness
With a stick, with a stick,
No, we can’t drive out the devil with a stick.

Some proclaim all men are sinners,
Can’t escape the devil’s might.
How their interest must intrigue him,
They won’t let him out of sight!

What we need is light!
For we can’t drive out the darkness
Talking sin, talking sin,
No, we can’t drive out the devil talking sin.

Some of us were taught the slogan:
“Social evils must be slain!”
But can anger drive out sorrow?
How can passion conquer pain?

What we need is light!
For we can’t drive out the darkness
While we hate, while we hate,
No, we can’t drive out the devil while we hate.

Brother, have you ever wondered
Why the darkness lingers on?
If we want to see the sunrise
Let us turn and face the dawn!

What we need is light!
For we’ll only best the darkness
When we love, when we love,
Yes, we’ll only best the devil when we love!