Task lists & Mind Maps

First of all, I managed to transfer a lot of reminders into an online task list (it feels so great throwing away the little slips of paper!).

Then I researched and selected some possible Mind Map-type templates for capturing and organizing the Big Ideas that have been floating around my brain. Those ideas often feel vague and overwhelming; my hope is to ground them by getting them written down.

I even uploaded a bunch of photos from Dad’s birthday party into the shared photo album!

All in all, I’m feeling cautiously hopeful that I’ve turned a corner…and have returned to a more productive frame of mind and energy flow.

Feeling hopeful

Had my first physical therapy session today and came away knowing that my shoulder is not completely wrecked!

True, I don’t yet know the results of the MRI, but I now have a “stoplights” understanding of what it means to work (and breathe) through discomfort (a yellow light) versus stopping when I encounter acute or severe pain (red light).

I also discovered that there’s still quite a bit of strength there; I simply have to relearn how to trust it and build on it.


Bubbling to the surface

As we draw closer to the first day of Spring, I can feel things…well, speeding up isn’t quite right. Neither is heating up. I guess quickening is the closest I can get in words.

It’s the sense that more and more is happening beneath the surface, getting ready to flow forth in a great bubbling flow of creativity and expression and newness.

It’s a hopeful, expansive feeling.

I love Spring!

Confused in a good way

I’m feeling sort of confused…but in a good way.

In fact, I’m reminded of something I read (or heard) years and years ago along the lines of “it’s good when you feel confused because that means you’re about to learn something new”.

Well, I’m in the process of new learning at this very moment. To tell the truth, it’s so new that — even though I can see the various components moving into place — I can’t yet express how they fit together with any coherency. I can feel it, but I can’t make sense of it yet.

But it’s exciting, because I feel poised on the brink of infinite possibilities and long-awaited, fundamental changes. So basically, I’m feeling both confused and hopeful. 🙂