A foggy departure day

Photo of fog rolling through San Francisco’s Golden Gate

We packed up and left Santa Barbara fairly early, so I didn’t have time to take pictures. But I deeply appreciated Santa Barbara’s parting gift of FOG!

I especially enjoying heading inland and looking back over the completely socked-in coast, while ahead of us were patches of blue as the sun came breaking through. That was my daily reality for decades in San Francisco and it was like a piece of my heart went, “Ahh…that’s what I’ve been missing!”

So, now we’re home; very happy we went and even happier to be back.

The productivity continues…!

There is definitely something astrological happening and we are benefiting greatly.

Today was about giving our home some energy…

…Ramesha put together my “work-from-home” desk (yay!); we rearranged furniture to make room for the desk; I camouflaged the back of the bookcase that’s been waiting to be moved into its permanent spot; vacuumed the whole apartment; and started the process of reorganizing the items that will go on the new shelves.

And that was after this morning’s sing-along; a few hours of computer work; and fitting in a video chat with a friend.

Now I’m completely done for the day and ready to treat myself to popcorn for dinner. 😉


Cooking at home every day. Putting together furniture. Listening to music. Playing music. Sitting in the sun while playing music! Going for walks. Learning exciting new ways to be online.

Home is a good place to be.

The daily view

I’m going to miss seeing this view during my walk to and from the car every day. Three more nights and then home to California!