Feeling unsettled

This is my current inner mood, but I know it’s mostly the result of day after day of events, all following on the heels of an intense holiday season, with the complication of preparing for surgery added into the mix.

And, as usual, lack of sleep makes everything seem harder. Tonight’s my chance to do a little catching up.

Good night.

When it all starts to add up

I’ve been sort of automatically categorizing my current sense of overwhelm as the “usual” increasingly intense activities that come with the December/Christmas/holiday season.

But today I’m realizing the need to acknowledge the intense undercurrents of all that’s going on in the world. On the most basic levels we’re completely fine out here in the boonies — taking precautions, supported by community. On more subtle levels, however, I can feel the “not-fine-at-all” reality of many, many of my fellow Californians, Americans, citizens of the world.

So, yeah, it kind of starts to all add up and you can’t help but feel the heaviness. Which is why staying centered, staying calm, staying open and loving, staying joyous is my/our most important work right now.