Hildegard and her music

As usual, a little delving into a topic led to a lot more delving.

One of the many things Hildegard of Bingen is known for is her music. While exploring these videos I was reminded that back in the late 90’s I had a CD of her compositions.

Funny how I had completely forgotten about it until now. Of course, I had to delve even deeper to find it, only to discover it was Hildegard’s music but adapted to a sort of pop/New Age sensibility, with electronic instruments and drums, etc. I must have liked it back in the day, but it doesn’t do anything for the current me.

I appreciate how the St. Stanislav Girls’ Choir (above) brings such calm purity to this heavenly music. Below is another gorgeous example. And if you want to read more about Hildegard as a composer and the part music played in how she expressed her spiritual experience, check out this article.

Celebrating St Hildegard of Bingen

“Hildegard of Bingen” by artist, Sue Kouma Johnson, in Hildegard’s style.
Happy Feast Day of St Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179)

I wanted to post a quote in honor of St Hildegard‘s feast day, but there were too many wonderful quotes to choose from!

I finally narrowed it down to only three.

From Portraits of Saints

Hildegard was an amazing woman. I read a novel a few months ago that is based on her life; it was very interesting and even inspiring in spots. I enjoyed it very much.
Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen by Mary Sharratt